Thank you for choosing Little Loves Photography to take your family photos! I look forward to working with you. I can say with certainty that all of my clients worry about how to dress for their photos. Over time, I've come up with a fool proof method that has resulted in clients who feel confident on photo day.
Here are some general guidelines that will help you choose the perfect clothing for your family's photo session:
3 Secrets To Great Outfits:
3 Style Killers
Sleeveless Shirts
Character Tees & Large Logos
Loud Patterns
With these rules in mind, here is my secret method for family clothing selection:
Take a photo send to your photographer if you have questions. They are an invaluable resource and do not mind providing feedback (trust me, they don’t). Plus, if you get a glowing review, you’ll feel amazing about yourself!
As you can see in these images and in the ones I’ve posted above (of real clients), outfit selection varies from family to family. In a Pinterest world where we are pressured to do everything just perfectly as moms, just be true to your family and your photos will follow!