If you are wondering what it's like to have a Newborn Session with Little Loves, you're in the right place! Newborns have very special needs and taking their photos require a little more attention so I have created this guide for you to review and prep before your session.


  • Newborn sessions are typically done within the first 14 days of being born for several reasons: They are more likely to stay asleep and cooperate during their poses, they still like to be curled up and don’t mind being posed and their flaky skin or baby acne has not set in yet. After 14 days old, they are less cooperative and it takes  a lot  of time to ease the baby.
  • Newborn sessions are done in my studio in Nesconset. I am a studio light photographer, so please be aware that flash will be used for all photos.
  • Appointment times  will be during the baby’s sleepiest time, usually at 9AM
  • Please do not dress baby in clothing that is hard to take off, a onesie or easily removed pajama outfit will work great so they do not have to be disturbed. No tight socks or clothing that may leave indentations in the skin.
  • Babies sleep best when the room is nice and warm. I will have my studio heated to approximately  70 degrees.  I wear comfortable clothing and recommend that you do the same, and consider bringing an extra change of clothing for yourself if you are taking parent/family shots.
  • If you have other  children, please arrange for your partner or family member to take them home after their pictures are taken.  Toddlers especially have a difficult time sitting quietly through a newborn session, as they can be long! Family and sibling photographs will be taken first, and then the rest of the session will focus solely on the baby.  Avoid bringing extra people who will not be photographed, as the studio is not large enough to accommodate  spectators.  If you need to bring your older child for the duration of the session, please plan to keep them entertained with snacks, quiet toys, books, etc.! 
  • Please try to keep baby awake 2-3 hours before their session so that they are nice and sleepy. If possible, do not feed them until right before we begin the session. When we begin, I will  feed baby well, and this will keep baby nice and full during their session.
  • Please avoid having any diaper ointment showing on baby’s skin. If you are using it regularly, please be sure to clean any off prior to your session.
  • Please remove all band-aids from your baby prior to your session.
  • Even if your baby doesn’t typically use a pacifier, I  ask that you bring one as they serve as a wonderful distraction for the baby during the session. They are incredibly helpful in keeping your little one happy when moving from pose to pose. Please bring a SOFT pacifier, such as the Soothie brand (without the stuffed animal attached). Pacifiers with a hard outer shell leave marks on the baby’s face.
  • I will provide all outfits and props for the session.  I encourage you to use what I have here, rather than bring your own.  I can only guarantee that my props and outfits will photograph properly.  I encourage you to view my Instagram to get an idea what options you will have.


  • Your baby will likely need to be fed periodically (usually more often than normally) throughout the session, so please be prepared with plenty of food.  I have a couch in my studio where you can comfortably breast feed if need be.  Please understand that sticking to your feeding schedule the day of the session may not be possible, your baby needs to stay full so he/she can be sleepy.
  • Your little darling may  poo and pee on the props. This is natural and expected. Please do not feel embarrassed when this happens, because they all do it. Any experienced newborn photographer will be completely accepting and expecting of this fact.
  • I do my  best to keep the environment of newborn sessions very calm and peaceful. The more relaxed everyone in the room is, the more relaxed the baby will be. For me , this means pulling out my  baby whispering skills, for parents this means relaxing and letting the photography magic happen!  I won’t need much assistance, so take full advantage of this time to rest in my sitting area at the opposite end of the studio. You can also feel free to bring a book to read or catch up on your Netflix shows. 
  • This is a full service studio meaning that I will be changing baby’s diapers, cleaning up any messes, and feeding baby when required during the session. If you are exclusively breastfeeding, I will return baby to you for feeds only. I usually ask that Mom stay outside of hearing and smelling range. It is important that I form a bond with baby so that we can achieve a successful session.  I have the most success by being the only one to interact with baby during the session. I assure you, your baby’s safety is the most important thing to me, and you will always be in the same room as your baby!
  • Please do not take pictures over my shoulders during the session, except for behind the scenes shots (which I  love!).
  • Newborn sessions range from 2-4 hours. Expect my  patience and attention to detail to rule the day. I  spend the majority of a session perfecting poses, backdrops, fingers, etc. and I  believe these little things are what makes the difference between a snapshot and a work of art featuring your baby. So that’s what I’ll do! My sessions are baby led meaning that I let baby dictate what we do or don't do. Not every pose is comfortable for every baby.
  • No matter what your baby does, relax.  Your session should be a special experience for you and stress free. Babies can sense stress and it usually makes them cry more. I allow plenty of time for your session and if we need to take a break to feed, walk, rock, etc. we can do that. I want you to enjoy the experience of your session and this special bonding moment for your family.
  • I look forward to meeting him or her!



  • I want all of the focus of the image to be on the connection you share with your baby, rather than the clothing. Therefore, I  suggest a simple black, white, beige, or grey shirt, sweater or dress for mom and a matching (or complimentary) plain shirt for dad with jeans or khakis. Mom/dad and baby shots are close up so most of what you wear will not be shown. Don’t focus on shoes, full length shots are not usually taken
  • Moms, keep make-up looking at natural as possible, and avoid too much foundation. Believe it or not, your skin is easier to edit when it’s more natural. Avoid using too much hairspray; soft hair photographs best with newborns. Be sure to take nail polish off, or paint your nails with a very neutral color. Avoid long earrings or necklaces. I  want all the focus to be on you and your baby!
  • Dads, if you’re wearing a new shirt be sure to iron out the sleeve crease in advance. Other than that, just relax. It will be over before you know it.
  • Bring a change of clothes…you may be holding a naked baby. You get the idea.



  • A simple white or grey tee or tank with jeans and bare feet for boys, and either the same, or a dress for girls. Please remove their socks and shoes at the start of the session to get them used to it! For little girls please avoid hair accessories unless they are small and a neutral color.



  • Within two weeks you will receive a proofing gallery to your email.  This gallery will contain the best images  of the session with watermarks.  Most of the images are only soft edited, but I will include a few images fully edited so that you can get an idea of what the final products will look like.  Once you make your selections, images will be edited and sent to you without watermarks for you to digitally download within another two weeks.  You will have to option in your final gallery to purchase prints, wall art, and/or cards.  If you purchase additional digitals, an invoice will be sent for payment.
